
Matt has long had a gift for educating and empowering others in their endeavors. His outdoor experience spans nearly 30 years and inspired him to find accessible ways to bring new adventurers into the outdoors with confidence and comfort. Matt has been a rock climber since high school, introducing friend after friend to the sport in Arkansas.


A New Course

His education led him into aviation and earning a Commercial Pilot’s License. In a fateful turn of events, though, the attacks on the World Trade Center happened at the same time, changing his career plans. This is when Matt’s entrepreneurial spirit was born. For nearly 17 years, he owned and managed (and sweat and labored) with his landscaping and lawn care company. This really taught him the importance of teamwork and communication with employees and clients. And, of course, his outdoor adventures persisted, pulling him closer to an active roll in the outdoor industry.

The Passion

When an interest in whitewater kayaking grabbed hold of him, it was all over: he couldn’t get enough! He began whitewater paddling in Arkansas, Colorado, West Virginia, Tennessee, Washington, Oregon, Kansas, Missouri, Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, Oklahoma, Idaho, Iowa, and Kentucky. He was a Level 4 Whitewater Instructor for five years and was Swift Water Rescue certified for 10 years. During this time, he and a friend (James) taught two years of adaptive paddling instruction with the Wounded Warriors Project. In 2006, Matt created and maintained Whitewater Playboating, an outdoor media and marketing company that focused on events and destination promotion within the whitewater kayaking world (he did this for three years). Matt began working at a local outdoor store to further expand his ability to help others get outside and this is where he met Cristen.

Adventurous Outcome

When the idea for Keyword Adventure came to be, Matt saw an intersection forming between many important areas of his life: his family, his son’s unfolding journey, his love of the outdoors, and his desire to help others create their personal adventures. The enrichment of adventure sports and the outdoors continually bolsters him. These days, he’s bound to be on his mountain bike or volunteering with trail maintenance when he’s outside if he’s not at the helm of their sailboat (Moon Dragon).