When to Go GoreTex


Outdoor Gear for All Conditions

Chances are, you have heard of the GoreTex name some time in the last 40 years.  It has come to stand for top level waterproof, breathable performance in everything from footwear, jackets, gloves, pants, and hats.  

The story actually started in 1958 when a DuPont employee decided to start a company with his wife (Bill and Vieve) to explore a new product called PTFE.  Then, in 1969, a discovery by Bill’s son (Bob) led to the birth of ePTFE - the king of breathable waterproof fabrics. What followed was a wave of improvements and developments which led to better and better products for everyone from astronauts to explorers, and even my kid’s shoes. 

Yes, there are other companies out there that are doing fantastic things with similar products: Pertex, Polartec, Ottertex, BDry, eVent, Eco-Shell, Proflex, Sympatex, and Futurelight.  These are all, in very simple terms, a micro-porous type of fabric with varying features that effect breathability, durability, and sustainability. They all have the same intention - to keep water off you and still allow the vapors your body releases to escape, thus keeping you dry. 

When GoreTex is Necessary for My Jacket, Gear, or Adventure

So the question is, when do you need a GoreTex level of protection? 

Well, I always carry a jacket with me in my vehicle because it keeps me dry in the rain. This same jacket goes with me hiking, paddling (not whitewater that is a different jacket designed for a specific use) and sailing. By using this jacket and cleaning it about every 3-6 months depending on use, I get an excellent return on my investment.

I’ve used the same jacket for a decade. That ends up being a use/cost breakdown that I like. Having something that you can count on in a wide variety of situations is such a comfort. 

Is it a bit of overkill when running into a coffee shop or store in town? Most likely.  But it really does a great job keeping me dry and happy and that’s what counts to me. 

One of the other benefits of a GoreTex jacket is that it is windproof.  On a cold day, that can make a huge difference. Pair your jacket with a fleece or down insulation layer and you will find that you can stay comfortable in some pretty adverse conditions. 

One example that comes to mind was in the beginning of 2021.  The Midwest experienced one of the coldest winters on record with temperatures dropping into negative double digits for multiple days. A layering system was mandatory to go outside safely in those types of conditions for any length of time.  This meant that the jacket that “just kept me dry” became an invaluable part of my wardrobe to protect me on those brutal days.

A GoreTex of Many Faces: New Tech Continues to Improve

Once you go past the level of casual use, you will notice that there are a wide variety of products such as Pro, Pack-light, 2 layer, 3 Layer… it really goes on and on. This only means that the original product has been improved upon and specialized versions are used in different products, or even in different locations in the same product. It’s all about durability and breathability.  Additionally, new developments happen every few years!  

One of the latest updates has been in the cycling world, where you really need something that can dry off quickly and breath very efficiently.  Enter the “Shake Dry” feature:  you can literally give the jacket a good shake and because it is so hydrophobic, the water literally cannot stick to it.  Pretty cool!  Now, while it’s not something I need on a daily basis,  if you are planning a bikepacking trip or you are a daily bike commuter then you would be very excited!

So when do you actually need GoreTex?  Easy!  If the weather is going to get wet, cold, windy, or nasty, then you will be very happy to have it.  And don’t forget: when that next adventure comes around, remember there is no bad weather… only bad gear.


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Kayaking, climbing, hiking, sailing, SUP, cooking, life is an adventure and one of my greatest joys is to bring my family and friends along.  Life is meant to be lived!!! 
